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BN CRTC 2013-106 (BCE Acquisition of Astral)

BN CRTC 2013-106 (BCE Acquisition of Astral)

April 2nd, 2013

FRIENDS supports the applications regarding BCE's acquisition of Astral, subject to the CRTC's due diligence.

Applications 2013-0244-7; 2013-0247-1; 2013-0248-9; 2013-0367-7; 2013-0245-5; and 2013-0124-1

Mr. John Traversy
Secretary General
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N2

Dear Mr. Traversy:

  1. Friends of Canadian Broadcasting is an independent watchdog for Canadian programming on radio, television and new media supported by 180,000 Canadian households. Friends is not affiliated with any broadcaster or political party.
  2. The proposed benefits packages contain far fewer questionable items than the 2012 applications which the Commission rejected, and appear to adhere substantively to Commission policies as well as reflecting the official language proportions of the acquired assets.
  3. The valuations of the proposed acquisitions also appear reasonable.
  4. And the increased concentration of media ownership appears to conform to the Commission's diversity policies, through the divestitures proposed in the Notice.
  5. Friends of Canadian Broadcasting supports the applications subject to the Commission's usual due diligence.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Morrison

cc: [email protected], [email protected]

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